From Dragon to Beast Exhibition,Learn about the evolution from dragon extinction to beast radiation. The upcoming exhibit features precious fossils from Gansu, China, including a 30-meter Daxiatitan, and more.

If kids are tired of too much informative knowledge about dinosaurs, the gallery offers them a roaring good time with an interactive animated game of digging out dinosaur fossils.The other gallery of the exhibition,the beast gallery, displays more than one hundred mammal fossils. In this delicate gallery, visitors will explore the incredible range of mammal diversity, get close to the elegant fossils from Hezheng, and discover the structure and function in mammals.Many of the fossils on display, which are of great significance to studies of the evolution of mammalian species, as well as the geographical and climatic changes of the Tertiary Period of the Late Cenozoic epoch, are shown to the public outside Mainland China for the first time.
In between the two galleries, visitors will learn about the fall of the dinosaurs and the rise of birds and mammals through specimens and illustrations on display.Also, here visitors can go behind the scenes of the exhibition by viewing the time-lapse video documenting the installation of the exhibition.